Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger and Luíza Cerioli, respectively, our collaborative project coordinator and postdoc researcher at the Kassel University, participated in the online conference “Green Extractivism and Violent Conflict” organized by EXALT on June 17, 2022. The Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative (EXALT) is a research program launched in 2020 at the University of Helsinki and focuses on political, social, and ecological aspects of global extractivism. This year, their conference counted with panels discussing “green extractivism,” violence, militarism, coloniality, land control, and geopolitical ecology. You check the complete abstract book here.
Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger and Luíza Cerioli presented the paper “Dark Sides of Sustainability: Exploring Global Uneven Development and Future Geopolitical Tensions” in the fourth panel, “The (Geo)Political Ecology of Green Extractivism & Land Control.” The conference also counted with three keynote speakers: Alexander Dunlap (University of Oslo), Andre Brock (University of Sussex) and Judith Verweijen (University of Sheffield).
You can find the recordings of all sessions on EXALT Youtube.