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Encuentro Latinoamericano 2024 : Ecofeminismo y Ecocrítica. Nuevas perspectivas interdisciplinarias desde América Latina y el Caribe

Ecocriticism questions and examines socioeconomic discourses and power relations that view nature as a resource available to humans for use and extraction. Since the emergence of ecofeminism in the 1970s, the quest for climate justice is intersectional as it is connected to the struggle for gender justice and against social, racist, and neocolonial inequalities.

The debate on ecofeminism and ecocriticism in Latin America and the Caribbean is situated in the context of the discussion on feminism in the Global South, decolonial ecology, and Epistemologies of the South. The conference examines the practices and processes of socio-ecological transformations from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a focus on literary and artistic representations, as well as from a sociological and political perspective.

The event will be held in Spanish. Participation is free of charge, with prior registration by e-mail to:
