Extractivism and CELA at Globe22, Leipzig
Together with the University of Kassel’s Center for Latin American Studies (CELA), the Extractivism.de project will host a discussion on the Globe 22 festival on the 12 of October 2022, at 15h, at Leipzig University.
The Globe22 is a festival for everyone interested in better understanding the complex events in the world and for everyone who appreciates a meaningful and respectful dialogue – independent of age, scholarly, or background. This year, the festival is discussing climate change, thus receiving scholars, specialists and policymakers to focus on the keyword themes: “Resources,” “Transformation,” “Impact,” “Trust,” and “Cohesion.” You can find more at: https://www.globe-festival.de/themen
Within the keyword theme “Resources,” our discussion is entitled “Raw Materials Extractivism in Latin America and North Africa” and aims to question “what cost the nature?” For many countries in the Global South, the extraction and export of natural resources are central to their development strategy. However, this model is not at all crisis-proof, just as it has not yet been able to reduce historically grown social inequalities sustainably. So, the question that holds is: how can we understand extractivist societies? How extractivism persists, and how can development manage climate crisis?
To kick off this panel, Rebeca Ramos from CELA will present the documentary “Gold Trails,” followed by Jochen Kemner’s comment on the history of natural resource production in Latin America – both from CELA. Then, from our team, the post-doctoral researcher Luíza Cerioli will present the main ambitions and motivations of the Extractivist.de project. In the sequence, our research fellow Cecilia Gargano (from CONICET) will discuss rural extractivism in Argentina and its capacity for homogenization and fragmentation. There will be space for lively discussion afterward. Check more details here: https://www.globe-festival.de/programm/rohstoffextraktivismus
The panel will happen on the Paulinum der Universität Leipzig (Leipzig, SN, 04109, Germany) or online via streaming at the globe22 website.