Meret Jacob-Lakrimdi, our PhD student at the University of Marburg, held a workshop at the European Academy Otzenhausen on 25 October 2022 as part of the ten-day seminar “L’Union européenne et le Maghreb : défis, enjeux et perspectives de coopération pour l’avenir”. The seminar aimed to familiarise seventeen selected young students from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia with the structures and institutions of the European Union and to discuss existing links between Europe and the Maghreb region.
Meret Jacob-Lakrimdi held a workshop on the topic “Même âge, même lutte? Ce que signifie être une génération et le potentiel de la jeunesse au Maghreb.” First, she introduced the state of the research on generational theory, primarily dealing with the issue of defining a generation in the German sociologist Karl Mannheim’s terms Second, she opened space for reflection and discussion, inviting the participants to reflect on their own perceptions of what is to belong to a generation. That was further explored by framing different national and inter-regional contexts: which political andeconomic events have a generational character? What connects young people – llocal, regional and globally- and what distinguishes them? Finally, how are young people perceived socially in the Maghreb?
Information on the programme of the European Academy of Otzenhausen can be found here (