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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt


Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt holds the Chair of International and Inter-Society Relations at the University of Kassel. He has many years of experience with joint projects and international cooperation, conducting various research projects in Latin America. For example, he was a project leader of several university partnerships in Argentina, Chile, Cuba and Venezuela and has conducted various research projects in Latin America. As the German director of the Merian Center of Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS), he is in charge of four Latin American regional centers. He is the director of the Latin American Studies Center (CELA) at the University of Kassel. For more than ten years, he has been researching environmental and raw material politics and development theory focusing on Latin America.


Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt holds the Chair of International and Inter-Society Relations at University of Kassel. He has many years of experience with joint projects and international cooperation. He was and is project leader of several university partnerships in Argentina, Chile, Cuba and Venezuela and has conducted various research projects in Latin America. As German director of the Merian Center of Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS), he is in charge of four Latin American regional centers and is director of the Latin American Studies Center (CELA) at University of Kassel. For more than ten years he has been researching environmental and raw material politics and development theory with a focus on Latin America.

Research Interests

Regional Focus

Recent Publications (selection)

  • Burchardt, H.-J. & Izquierdo Quintana, O. (2018). Trabajo decente y Sociedad: Cuba bajo la óptica de los estudios sociolaborales. Universidad de La Habana.

  • Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (Eds.)(2017). Entwicklungstheorie von heue: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen.

  • Peters, S. & Burchardt, H.-J. (Eds.)(2017). Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive: Ressourcen – Konflikte – Degrowth.

  • Burchardt, H.-J., Domínguez, R., Larrea, C. & Peters, S. (Eds.) (2016). Nada dura para siempre: Neo-extractivismo tras el boom de las materias primas. UASB-ICDD.

  • Burchardt, H.-J. & Peters, S. (Eds.)(2015). Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten.
  • Burchardt, H.-J. (2018). How Spinoza and Elias Help to Decenter Our Understanding of Development: A Methodical Research Proposal on the Pluriverse. In Reiter, B. (Ed.). Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge, (pp. 285-320). Duke University Press.

  • Burchardt, H.-J. (2017). Entwicklung dezentrieren! Theorie über den Eurozentrismus hinaus. In Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (Eds.). Entwicklungstheorie von heute: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen (pp. 273-294). Nomos.

  • Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (2017). Entwicklungstheorie von heute – Entwicklungspolitik von morgen. In Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S. & Weinmann, N. (Eds.). Entwicklungstheorie von heute: Entwicklungspolitik von morgen (pp. 17-47). Nomos.

  • Burchardt, H.-J. (2017). Auf der Suche nach dem Staat im Globalen Süden: oder wie man postkoloniale Analysen systematisieren kann. In Jentges, E. (Ed). Das Staatsverständnis von Norbert Elias (pp. 197-215). Nomos.

  • Burchardt, H.-J. (2016). El neo-extractivismo en el siglo XXI. Que podemos aprender de del ciclo de desarrollo más reciente en América Latina? In Burchardt, H.-J., Domínguez, R., Larrea, C. & Peters, S. (Eds.). Nada dura para siempre: Neo-Extractivismo tras el boom de las materias primas (pp. 55-87). UASB-ICDD.