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Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger

Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger

Project Coordinator

Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger

Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger

Project Coordinator


Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger is a senior researcher at the University of Kassel and Extractivism’s project coordinator. He has led research projects on migration, remittances, violence, and development. At the University of Leipzig, he has worked within the Collaborative Research Center 1199, “Spatialization Processes under Conditions of Globalization”.  He received his doctorate in Political Science with a thesis on forms of violence in Central America and the Caribbean at the University of Leipzig. He studied Political Science, Law and Sociology at the University of Leipzig and Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Science Po Bordeaux. He has conducted field research in Central America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, the United States and France.


Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger is senior researcher at the University of Kassel and project coordinator of He has led research projects on migration, and remittances, as well as on violence and development. He has worked within the Collaborative Research Center 1199 “Spatialization Processes under Conditions of Globalization” at the University of Leipzig. He received his doctorate with a thesis on forms of violence in Central America and the Caribbean at the University of Leipzig. He studied political science, law and sociology at the University of Leipzig and Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Science Po Bordeaux. He has completed field research trips in Central America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, the US and France.

Research Interests

Regional Focus

Recent Publications (selection)

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. and Ickler, J. (Ed.) (2023), The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, Routledge.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (Ed.) (2021), Development, Capitalism, and Rent: The Political Economy of Hartmut Elsenhans, Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2018), Politics and Violence in Central America and the Caribbean, Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Pisarz-Ramirez, G. and Warnecke-Berger, H. (Eds.) (2018), Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives, Peter Lang.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2017). Transnational Economic Spaces, Moral Economy, and Remittances. Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

  • Huhn, S. and Warnecke-Berger, H. (Eds.) (2017), Politics and History of Violence and Crime in Central America, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2024). Rohstoffe, Renten und ungleiche Spezialisierung: Über die Chancen einer neuen Weltwirtschaftsordnung. In A. Veit & D. Fuchs (Eds.), Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung? Die »New International Economic Order« und die Zukunft der Süd-Nord-Beziehungen (pp. 317-338). transcript. VIEW BOOK

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2023). Extractivism, Nature, and Wealth: Unequal Specialization and the Modernization of Elite Rule in Latin America. In H.-J. Burchardt & I. Lungo Rodríguez (Eds.), Wealth, Development and Social Inequalities in Latin America: Transdisciplinary Insights (pp. 46–64). Routledge.

  • Warnecke-Berger, . (2023). Temporalities of Urban Violence: A Comparative Perspective on El Salvador and Jamaica. In M. Albrecht & A. Jenss (Eds.), The Spatiality and Temporality of Urban Violence: Histories, Rhythms and Ruptures. Manchester University Press.

  • WWarnecke-Berger, H. (2023). Trade, Unequal Specialization, and the Persistence of Extractivism. In H. Warnecke-Berger & J. Ickler (Eds.), The Political Economy of Extractivism: Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent (pp. 17–41). Routledge.

  • Warnecke-Berger, . & Ickler, .J (2023). Introduction: The Political Economy of Extractivism. In H. Warnecke-Berger & J. Ickler (Eds.), The Political Economy of Extractivism: Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent (pp. 1–16). Routledge.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. and Ickler, J. (2023). Conclusion: Extractivism and the Seduction of Rent. In H. Warnecke-Berger & J. Ickler (Eds.), The Political Economy of Extractivism: Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent (pp. 215–222). Routledge.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H.  (2023): Auf dem Weg zur neofeudalen Dystopie? Für Lateinamerika wird eine neue Ära der Rohstoffexporte anbrechen, die Gefahr einer vertieften ungleichen Spezialisierung ist groß. In: maldekstra 19 (p.8). common Verlagsgenossenschaft e.G.  VIEW BOOK

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021). Fixing the Labour Surplus in Existing Economic Structures. In N. Wilcock & E. Federzoni dos Santos (Eds.), Not Paying the Rent: Imagining a Fairer Capitalism (pp. 157–166). Palgrave Macmillan. VIEW BOOK

  • Burchardt, H.‑J., Dietz, K., & Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021). Dependency, Rent, and the Failure of Neo-Extractivism. In S. Palestini & A. Madariaga (Eds.), Dependent Capitalisms in Contemporary Latin America and Europe (pp. 207–229). Palgrave Macmillan. VIEW BOOK

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021). Rent, Capitalism and the Challenges of Global Uneven Development. In Warnecke-Berger, H. (Ed.). Development, Capitalism, and Rent: The Political Economy of Hartmut Elsenhans (pp. 1-17). Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2020). Die Selbstreproduktion der Gewalt? Zentralamerika nach den Bürgerkriegen. In S. Peters (Ed.), Gewalt und Konfliktbearbeitung in Lateinamerika (pp. 33–52). Nomos.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2020). Todesschwadrone, soziale Säuberungen, Polizeigewalt: Gewalt in Zentralamerika und die Rechtswende in Lateinamerika. In P. Eser & J.-H. Witthaus (Eds.), Rechtswende in Lateinamerika: Politische Pendel­bewegungen, sozio­ökonomische Umbrüche und kulturelle Imaginarien in Geschichte und Gegenwart (pp. 223–243). Mandelbaum.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2019). The Spatial Turn and Economics: Migration, Remittances, and Transnational Economic Space. In S. Marung & M. Middell (Eds.), Spatial Formats Under the Global Condition (pp. 360–378). De Gruyter.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2018). Salvadoran Transnational Transgressions: Remittances, Rents, and the Struggle over Economic Space. In G. Pisarz-Ramirez & H. Warnecke-Berger (Eds.), Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives (pp. 219–242). Peter Lang.

  • Warnecke-Berger, H., & Pisarz-Ramirez, G. (2018). Introduction: Spatialization Processes in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives. In G. Pisarz-Ramirez & H. Warnecke-Berger (Eds.), Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives (pp. 9–28). Peter Lang.
  • Warnecke-Berger, H., & Burchardt, H.‑J. Zu reich für die Energiewende? WeltSichten: Magazin Für Globale Entwicklung Und Ökumenische Zusammenarbeit, 2024(3). VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H.; Burchardt, H.-J. & Dietz, K. (2023). The Failure of (Neo-)Extractivism in Latin America – Explanations and Future ChallengesThird World Quarterly, 44(8), 1825–1843. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H., Burchardt, H.‑J., & Ouaissa, R. (2022). Natural Resources, Raw Materials, and Extractivism: The Dark Side of Sustainability. Extractivism Policy Brief: 1/2022. University of Kassel; Philipps-University of Marburg.  VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2022): Rents, the Moral Economy of Remittances, and the Rise of a New Transnational Development Model. Révue de la Régulation, 31 (2). 10.4000/regulation.20809. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021): Das Geschäft mit der Angst. Zur politischen Ökonomie der Jugendgangs in Zentralamerika. Soziopolis.VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021): The Financialization of Remittances and the Individualization of Development: A New Power Geometry of Global Development. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2021): Dynamics of Global Asymmetries: How Migrant Remittances (Re-)Shape North-South Relations. Third World Quarterly, 42(11), 2767–2784. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2020): Capitalism, Rents and the Transformation of Violence. International Studies, 57(2), 111–131. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2020): Remittances, the Rescaling of Social Conflicts, and the Stasis of Elite Rule in El Salvador. Latin American Perspectives, 47(3), 202–220. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H., & Elsenhans, H. (2019): Higher Wages Can Save the Eurozone. International Politics and Society. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Warnecke-Berger, H. (2018): La globalisation de la rente et la montée de la violence. Naqd: Revue D’études Et De Critique Sociale (36), 171–182.