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Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien (CNMS)
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Deutschhausstr. 12 | D 35 032 Marburg


Samir Bellal

University Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria)


Samir Bellal is a professor of economics at the University of Tizi-Ouzou in Algeria. His research focuses on economic regulation and institutional change in the rentier economy context. His academic contributions deal mainly with the case of the Algerian economy and institutional background.


Samir Bellal is a professor of economics at the University of Tizi-Ouzou in Algeria. His research focuses on economic regulation and institutional change in the rentier economy context. His academic contributions deal mainly with the case of the Algerian economy and institutional background.


Samir Bellal has worked extensively on rent economies, industrialization, and institutions in the Maghreb region, focusing mainly on Algeria. Therefore, during his fellowship at project, he will analyse the barriers preventing the transformation of this economic model away from rent dependency. He also aims to explore the many political and economic strategies of the leading actors involved in this sector in the Maghreb countries.


Bellal, Samir. (2022). Rente, populisme et question économique en Algérie – réflexions sur un système en crise. Tizi-Ouzou: Édition El-Amel. VIEW PUBLICATION

Bellal, Samir. (2017). La crise du régime rentier – essai sur une Algérie qui stagne. Boumerdé: Éditions Frantz Fanon.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Bellal, Samir. (2016). “La question des arrangements institutionnels dans la réflexion sur les politiques d’industrialisation en Algérie. Une analyse régulationniste”. In: Salhab, Mohamad K. & Maucourant, Jérôme (Eds.). État, Rente et Prédation – L’Actualité de Veblen. Coédition Ifpo/ULF, Beyrouth-Damas: pp. 201-232. VIEW PUBLICATION

Bellal, Samir. (2011). Une approche régulationniste de la désindustrialisation en Algérie. Les Cahiers du CREAD, Nr. 95, pp. 27-52.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Bellal, Samir (2014). Rapport salarial et régulation économique en Algérie. Revue Tiers Monde, Nr. 217, pp. 199-215. VIEW PUBLICATION