Many countries in the Global South rely on extractivism of raw materials as a driver for social, political, and economic transformation. However, the current challenges concerning energy transition call this model into question. Participants of the international online workshop “Extractivism, Sustainability and Development” (04.03.2022) discussed these and other topics. The workshop was organized by the research project network with the participation of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina), and guest researchers from CALAS (Mexico/Germany).
Hannes Warnecke-Berger (, University of Kassel)
Luiza Cerioli (, University of Kassel)
Cecilia Gárgano (Escuela de Humanidades, UNSAM, CONICET)
Katrin Metzger (, University of Kassel)
Rike Bolte (Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia; becaria CALAS)
Agustín Piaz (Escuela de Humanidades, UNSAM; FADU-UBA; becario posdoctoral CONICET)
Malena Castilla (Universidad de La Matanza, becaria posdoctoral CONICET)
Camila Ponce Lara (, Philipps-Universidad of Marburg)
Rebeca Ramos Padrón (CALAS, University of Kassel)
Juan Kornbliht (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, UBA, becario CALAS)
Lucas Christel (Escuela de Política y Gobierno-UNSAM, CONICET, Grupo Ambiente y Política)
Download the program HERE