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Extractivism shapes the economic and social realities of many countries in the Global South. This development model focuses on the extraction and export of non-renewable natural resources, leading entire societies to become dependent on the economic rents generated by these resources. Rather than being driven by innovation, investment, diversification, productive work, and learning, these rents are rooted in the exploitation of nature. Furthermore, their distribution is not based on collective or individual performance; instead, it primarily depends on the access that specific individuals or groups have to these resources.


We use conceptual and theoretical analysis to understand the extractivism development model and its variations across different regions. Our research focuses on in-depth studies of specific developmental patterns, particularly their social and cultural impacts. In this process, we examine established patterns of distribution, conflict, and legitimation, assessing how changes in these patterns affect the persistence and transformative capacity of resource-exporting societies and their institutional frameworks. Additionally, we investigate cultural processes, exploring how the extractivism development model influences everyday routines and extends into the formation of institutions and social practices. In the coming years, we will also focus on the geopolitical aspects of extractivism, examining how this development model faces international challenges and how Germany and Europe respond to these challenges.

MEET OUR Fellows

The Extractivism project is supported annually by an international research team. We invite various distinguished researchers from around the world to each project site to collaborate with our team and enhance our research topics.


During the winter semester of 2022/2023, we hosted a lecture series at our project locations in Kassel and Marburg titled “Climate Change and Raw Materials: Risk or Opportunity?” The presentations from this series can be accessed here.

Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien