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Luiza Cerioli

Dr. LuÍza Cerioli


Luiza Cerioli


Dr. Luíza Cerioli is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Kassel. She focuses on International Relations of the Middle East and foreign policy of the Global South. At the project, she researches the possibilities of transnational cross-comparison of extractivist countries in Latin America and the Middle East, focusing on the development plans of Venezuela, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Algeria. She defended her doctoral thesis in Political Science at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS) at the University of Marburg. The thesis develops a nuanced framework of international relations to cope with the complexity of studying multifaced relations between states. She holds an International Relations and Comparative Foreign Policy Master from the University of Brasília (UnB), and her alma mater is the University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). 


Dr. Luíza Cerioli is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Kassel. She focuses on International Relations of the Middle East and foreign policy of the Global South. At the project, she researches the possibilities of transnational cross-comparison of extractivist countries in Latin America and the Middle East, focusing on the development plans of Venezuela, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Algeria. She defended her doctoral thesis in Political Science at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS) at the University of Marburg. The thesis develops a nuanced framework of international relations to cope with the complexity of studying multifaced relations between states. She holds an International Relations and Comparative Foreign Policy Master from the University of Brasília (UnB), and her alma mater is the University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Research Interests

Regional focus

Recent Publications (selection)

  • Cerioli, L. (2018). Saudi Arabia’s National Roles Conceptions After the Arab Uprisings: The image transformation from Western whist partner to proactive regional leader. In D. Khatib, M. Maziad (Eds.), The Arab Gulf States and the West (pp. 181-202). London: Routledge.

  • Cerioli, L.; Carvalho Pinto, V. (2017). Novas dinâmicas de segurança no Golfo Pérsico. a ascensão da Arábia Saudita e dos Emirados Árabes Unidos. In L. Moita, L.M. Pinto (Eds.): Espaços Económicos e Espaços de Segurança (pp. 365–385). Lisboa: Observare.

  • Cerioli, L. Neoclassical Realism as a path for growing collaboration across Middle East’s International Relations and Area Studies. In E. Wastnigde, F. Belcastro (Eds.), International Relations in a Multipolar Middle East. Manchester University Press (forthcoming).
  • Cerioli, L. (2023): Saudi Arabian strategy reassessment since 2003: The emergence of a regional leadership via Neoclassical Realist lenses. International Area Studies Review, 0(0).

  • Barasuol, F. ; Cerioli, L.; Kalil, M. (2022): The Global South and its Perspectives: Expanding the Frontier of International Relations. Revista Monções (21), 11, 27–50.

  • Cerioli, L. (2019). Driving in the middle of the road: Paradoxes of women’s role under the new Saudi Arabian Nationalism. Ex aequo (40), 49–64.
    Cerioli, L. (2018). Roles and International Behaviour: Saudi–Iranian Rivalry in Bahrain’s and Yemen’s Arab Spring. Contexto Internacional 40 (2), 295–317.
  • Cerioli, L. (2018). Too much leadership for such a region: The competing status-seeking behaviors of Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia after 2011. Global Policy Journal, 90–105.
  • Cerioli, L. (2016): A Reproximação entre Estados Unidos da América e a República Islâmica do Irã. Revista de Estudos Internacionais 7 (2), 107-129.

  • Cerioli, L.; Silva, E. (2016): La Securitización de la Medialuna Chiita. una perspectiva teórica de la Primavera Árabe de Bahréin y Yemen (5-16). Contra Relatos desde el Sur 14.