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Luis Bértola holds a PhD in Economic History from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is a History, Economics and Social Development Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the Republic, Uruguay. In addition, he was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Pro-Rector of Research at the University of the Republic, as well as the Director of the National Agency for Innovation and Research (ANII). Moreover, he has given seminars and postgraduate courses in more than forty American and European universities. Finally, he has been a consultant for the IDB, ECLAC, ILO, OPP, MIEM, and IDM. Today, he researches Latin America’s comparative economic history, focusing on endowments, institutions and technical change, and South America’s sustainable, productive development policies.


Luis Bértola holds a PhD in Economic History from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is a History, Economics and Social Development Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the Republic, Uruguay. In addition, he was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Pro-Rector of Research at the University of the Republic, as well as the Director of the National Agency for Innovation and Research (ANII). Moreover, he has given seminars and postgraduate courses in more than forty American and European universities. Finally, he has been a consultant for the IDB, ECLAC, ILO, OPP, MIEM, and IDM. Today, he researches Latin America’s comparative economic history, focusing on endowments, institutions and technical change, and South America’s sustainable, productive development policies.


During his fellowship at, Luis Bértola investigates the possibilities for a new economic and political conjuncture for Mercosur. He aims to evaluate the conditions and perspectives for the region to transform its current social-economic model, overcoming the predominance of extractivism. Therefore, his project questions the new elements of the current global, regional and domestic contexts that can enable transformation and pinpoint the main setbacks that hamper such change expectations.


Álvarez, Jorge, Bértola, Luis, Bohlin, Jan. (2023). “Scandinavia and South America: A Renewed Tradition of Comparative Studies”, “Trade Specialization, Industrial Growth and Economic Development in the Nordic and the Southern Settler Societies, 1870–1970”, and “Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in the Nordic Countries, Australasia and the Rio de la Plata Region, 1870–1970.” In Álvarez, Jorge, Prado, Svante (Eds.).“Scandinavia and South America: A Tale of Two Capitalisms.” Palgrave: London.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Bértola, Luis, Ocampo, José Antonio. (2022). “La economía latinoamericana durante las primeras décadas del siglo XXI.” El Trimestre Económico, 01-03.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Bértola, Luis. (2021). “La diversidad latinoamericana antes y después de la crisis de 1929.” In Cajías, Lupe, Velázquez-Castellanos, Iván Omar (Eds.). “Antología de la Historia Política de Bolivia 1825-2020.” Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Bértola, Luis. (2020). “Productive and regional development policies in Latin America since 1890.” In Tirado Fabregat, Badía-Miró, Willebald (Eds.). “Time and Space. Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective.” Palgrave McMillan: London, pp. 41-64. VIEW PUBLICATION