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Eva Paus is a Professor of Economics at the Ford Foundation at Mount Holyoke College, USA. She is an expert on development and globalisation issues, focusing on Latin America. Eva Paus holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. She has been a visiting professor at institutions in Germany, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ireland, Peru, and South Korea and has consulted for ECLAC, ILO, UNIDO and UNDP. Her current research focuses on escaping the middle-income trap, its drivers of innovation, industrial policies, and the role of modern services and agribusiness in structural transformation. She is the author and editor of seven books, more than fifty articles, and other publications.


Eva Paus is a Professor of Economics on the Ford Foundation at Mount Holyoke College, USA. She is an expert on development and globalization issues, focusing on Latin America. Eva Paus holds a PhD in economics from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. She has been a visiting professor at institutions in Germany, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ireland, Peru, and South Korea and has consulted for ECLAC, ILO, UNIDO and UNDP. Her current research focuses on escaping the middle-income trap, its drivers of innovation, industrial policies, and the role of modern services and agribusiness in structural transformation. She is the author and editor of seven books, more than fifty articles, and other publications.


Eva Paus explores agrarian extractivism’s role in Latin American countries’ social-economic trajectories. She will develop a clearer understanding of the commonalities and differences between agrarian and mining extractivism as well as analyse the diversity within agrarian extractivism and the actors involved in it.


Paus, Eva, Robinson, Mike. (2023). “The Challenge of Productivity-based Development: Innovation Gap and Economic Structure in Latin America.” European Journal of Development Research.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Paus, Eva, Robinson, Mike. (2022): “Innovación a nivel de las empresas, políticas gubernamentales y la trampa del ingreso medio: enseñanzas de cinco economías latinoamericancas.” Revista de la CEPAL: 105-132.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Paus, Eva, Robinson, Michael, Fiona Tregenna. (2022). “Firm Innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and Country Context.” Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 31: 338-357.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Paus, Eva. (2020). “Innovation Strategies Matter. Latin America’s Middle Income Trap Meets China and Globalization.” Journal of Development Studies: 657-679.  VIEW PUBLICATION

Paus, Eva. (2020). “Industrial Hubs and Structural Transformation in Latin America: Lessons from Costa Rica.” In Oqubay, Arkebe & Justin Yifu Lin (Eds.). “The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Development” Oxford University Press: Oxford: pp. 815-835.  VIEW PUBLICATION