Brahim Jaziri has a Ph.D. in Geography from the École Normale de Lyon and is a researcher at the University of Tunis specialising in biogeography and cartography. His research focuses on landscape dynamics and local development in critical forest areas, particularly on agroforestry landscapes in northern Tunisia. Moreover, Brahim Jaziri has worked with the degradation of forest ecosystems and their effects on local communities that depend on this biome for their livelihoods. By analyzing agroforestry landscapes in Tunisia, his research aims at amplify our understanding concerning agricultural practices that respect the environment while encouraging the region’s sustainable development.
Brahim Jaziri has a PhD in Geography from the École Normale de Lyon and is a researcher at the University of Tunis specializing in biogeography and cartography. His research focuses on landscape dynamics and local development in critical forest areas, particularly on agroforestry landscapes in northern Tunisia. Moreover, Brahim Jaziri has worked with the degradation of forest ecosystems and their effects on local communities that depend on this biome for their livelihoods. By analyzing agroforestry landscapes in Tunisia, his research aims at amplifying our understanding concerning agricultural practices that respect the environment while encouraging the region’s sustainable development.
Brahim Jaziri has extensive experience as a geographer studying forest territories, ecosystem degradation, and the social, political, environmental and economic effects of such phenomena on local communities in Tunisia. With that in mind, during his visit as a fellow at the project, he will research the socio-environmental repercussions of expanding extractive industries in the Maghreb.
Jaziri, Brahim & al. (2022). Forêts tunisiennes: Entre marginalité territoriale et valorisation des ressources naturelles. Regards croisés entre gestionnaires et usagers. Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux, Observatoire Social Tunisien, Nr. 6, p. 241. VIEW PUBLICATION
Jaziri, Brahim. (2020). Analyse cartographique et paysagère des transformations spatiales du couvert forestier des Mogods (Tunisie septentrionale). Physio-Géo, Vol. 15. VIEW PUBLICATION
Jaziri, Brahim. (2017). Évaluation quantitative et mise au point d’un SIG sur la structuration du paysage bocager de Ras Djebel dans le sahel de Bizerte (Tunisie). Physio-Géo, Vol. 11. VIEW PUBLICATION
Jaziri, Brahim. (2012). Méthode de description de la structure longitudinale du corridor fluvial du bas Sejnane à partir de photographies horizontales. Méditerranée, Vol. 118. VIEW PUBLICATION