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Prof. Dr. Martin Beck

Team Marburg

Prof. Dr. Martin Beck

Team Marburg


Martin Beck completed his academic education in Tübingen, earning a doctorate in social sciences in 1994, and later obtaining habilitation and venia legendi in political science in 2001. He is currently on leave from his position as chair of International Relations and Security Studies at the University of Kurdistan Hêwler (UKH) to serve as a substitute for the Middle Eastern Politics chair at the Philipps University of Marburg. Additionally, Martin Beck is associated with the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and works as an Associate at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). He has previously worked at various universities, research institutes, and think tanks in Europe (Tübingen, Hamburg, Bremen, and Odense), the USA (Denver, Colorado), and the Middle East (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq). His research primarily focuses on international relations and political economy, particularly the Arab-Israeli conflict, regional oil politics, rentier states, policies of securitization, and Mediterranean politics, with a specific emphasis on migration.


Martin Beck completed his academic education in Tübingen, earning a doctorate in social sciences in 1994, and later obtaining habilitation and venia legendi in political science in 2001. He is currently on leave from his position as chair of International Relations and Security Studies at the University of Kurdistan Hêwler (UKH) to serve as a substitute for the Middle Eastern Politics chair at the Philipps University of Marburg. Additionally, Martin Beck is associated with the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and works as an Associate at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). He has previously worked at various universities, research institutes, and think tanks in Europe (Tübingen, Hamburg, Bremen, and Odense), the USA (Denver, Colorado), and the Middle East (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq). His research primarily focuses on international relations and political economy, particularly the Arab-Israeli conflict, regional oil politics, rentier states, policies of securitization, and Mediterranean politics, with a specific emphasis on migration.


Regional FoCus


  • Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (eds) (2021), Oil and the political economy in the Middle East. Post-2014 adjustment policies of the Arab Gulf and beyond (Manchester: Manchester University Press). VIEW BOOK
  • Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (2021), Pressured by the decreased price of oil. Post-2014 adjustment policies in the Arab Gulf and beyond, in: Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (eds), Oil and the political economy in the Middle East. Post-2014 adjustment policies of the Arab Gulf and beyond (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 1-35. VIEW CHAPTER

  • Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (2021), Oil and political economy in the Middle East. Overcoming rentierism?, in: Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (eds), Oil and the political economy in the Middle East. Post-2014 adjustment policies of the Arab Gulf and beyond (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 237-268. VIEW CHAPTER

  • Martin Beck (2021), Security threats from the Southern Mediterranean as viewed by Europe. A comparative analysis of the ‘long year’ of 1979 and the 2010s, in: Robert Mason (ed.), Transnational security cooperation in the Mediterranean (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan), 19-39. VIEW CHAPTER

  • Martin Beck (2023), “Making sense of Lebanon’s approach to the (non-)securitisation of Syrian refugees. a political economic perspective,” Third World Quarterly 44(4): 705-723. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (2022), “Whither rentierism following the 2014 oil price decline: Trajectories of policy adjustment in the Arab Gulf,” Energy Research and Social Science 91 (OnlineFirst). VIEW ARTICLE

  • Martin Beck (2021), On the making of the German ‘refugee crisis’. Securitizing Muslim immigrants in 2015 and beyond, Journal of Refugee Studies 34.2, 1307-1326. VIE ARTICLE

  • Martin Beck (2020), The aggravated struggle for regional power in the Middle East. American allies Saudi Arabia and Israel versus Iran, Global Policy 11.1, 84-92. VIEW ARTICLE

  • Martin Beck and Thomas Richter (2020), Fluctuating regional (dis-)order in the post-Arab Uprising Middle East, Global Policy 11.1, 68-74. VIEW ARTICLE