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CESAM Talks: Politics, Resistance and Collective Action in Latin America

Luíza Cerioli, our Postdoc researcher at Kassel University, is participating in the event “CESAM Talks: Politics, Resistance and Collective Action in Latin America” from the Central and South America (CESAM) Platform at the Ghent University, Belgium. Seeking to contribute to the critical discussion of Latin America´s past, present and future in Ghent, the series of talks offers an approach to politics, resistance and collective action in the region.

Luíza presents in the first section about “Culture, Politics and Extractivism in Venezuela,” on the 4th of October 2022, at 18h at Het Pand Onderbergen 1. She will discuss the links between the international and domestic arenas in Venezuela while discussing how plans for socio-economic development to transform the economy away from oil dependency are related to foreign relations.

CESAM Talks’ other sections are, respectively: 2 – “Feminism, Resistance and De/Coloniality in Guatemala and Mexico” (11/10/2022) and 3 – “Political Activism and Social Explosion in Chile” (20/10/2022). You can subscribe to the event here:

The sessions are open to everyone and can be attended in person or live stream.